Building a trigger

Building a trigger

Triggers live in the ~/.tuple/triggers directory. We recommend placing each trigger you create in its own subdirectory in that location.

Let’s create a new trigger that announces out loud the name of the person who is calling you:

mkdir ~/.tuple/triggers/call-announcer
touch ~/.tuple/triggers/call-announcer/call-incoming
chmod +x ~/.tuple/triggers/call-announcer/call-incoming

Notice that we:

  1. Created a new subdirectory for the trigger.
  2. Created a file with the name of the event we want to trigger on–in this case, the call-incoming event, which fires whenever you receive a call.
  3. Made that file executable. This is important: Tuple will only run scripts you’ve marked as executable.

You can author triggers in whatever programming language you’re most comfortable with. We’ll use bash for this example since our trigger logic is quite simple:


say “${PERSON_CALLING} would like to pair with you”

Notice that we reference a TUPLE_TRIGGER_CALL_FULL_NAME variable in this script. When Tuple calls your trigger, it will sometimes pass in useful information in the form of environment variables. You can see which variables are passed in (and their definitions) for every event in the API reference.

That’s it! Tuple will now trigger this code at a key lifecycle event. Whenever you receive an incoming call, your computer will kindly let you know who is giving you a ring 🤓.

Well, almost.

For triggers to work, they need to be enabled. You can enable triggers by going to Tuple Preferences ⌘ , → Triggers and clicking on the ‘Enable’ button. Or, if you’re on macOS, simply click here.

Testing The Trigger

Asking your coworker to call you over and over while you get your trigger logic right would be a drag. Instead, let’s use Tuple’s built-in tooling to ensure our trigger functions as expected.

Open Tuple Preferences → Triggers and open the Simulator by clicking on “Test Triggers”.

Triggers settings

Find the event we’re trying to trigger (call-incoming), select it, and click ‘Simulate’.

Trigger simulator

You should now be hearing your friendly host announce the fake caller.

Running into issues? Feel free to reach out to

Key Take Aways

1. Location matters

All of your trigger code needs to live in ~/.tuple/triggers.

We recommend you nest your code in sub directories in order to keep scripts logically organized.

That might look like this:

├── hide-messages
│   ├── screen-share-started
│   └── screen-share-stop
├── pause-spotify
│   ├── call-connected
└── triggers.log

Or, if you prefer, you can simply place all of your triggers in the root:

├── screen-share-started
├── screen-share-stop
├── call-connected
└── triggers.log

2. Trigger must be named correctly

Every trigger’s filename you want executed needs to be prefixed with one of the available lifecycle event names.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the most common triggers:

  • call-connected - triggered when a call connects
  • room-joined - triggered when a participant joins a room
  • screen-share-started - triggered when any participant shares their screen

As long as your filename starts with the trigger name, you can add whatever text you want after it:


  • call-connected - bare name of the trigger
  • room-joined.notify-slack - everything after “room-joined” is ignored
  • room-joined.pause-spotify - everything after “room-joined” is ignored

Triggers with the incorrect file names will be ignored. For example:

Not correct, will be ignored

  • - trigger name being used in postfix and not prefix
  • callconnected - incorrec the trigger name (should be call-connected)

3. Files must be executable

Trigger files need to be executable and not publicly writable. We recommend using chmod 0755 or chmod +x to accomplish this.

Next Steps

Next up: useful tips for testing and debugging your triggers while you develop them.