Testing and debugging
While developing a trigger, it’s likely you’ll want to invoke it many times. To make this easier, we’ve given you the ability to simulate each of Tuple’s lifecycle events populated with dummy data:
This will invoke the lifecycle event you chose and open a Terminal window displaying all relevant output.
Once your triggers run on actual Tuple calls, you might notice they’re not behaving exactly as you’d like.
To diagnose the issue, take a look at ~/.tuple/triggers/triggers.log
. This file contains all of the output from the Trigger Runner, as well as any stdout/stderr from your scripts.
Here’s some sample output. In the example below, we see two scripts running. The first works correctly and exits with status code 0. The second has a typo and reports the issue via STDERR
# ~/.tuple/triggers/triggers.log
[2023-10-25T12:19:11.447] Got trigger 'screen-share-started', searching for matching user scripts
[2023-10-25T12:19:11.448] Found 2 matching scripts
[2023-10-25T12:19:11.448] Running 'screen-share-started'
[2023-10-25T12:19:11.453] Finished 'screen-share-started' with exit code: 0
[2023-10-25T12:19:11.453] Running 'clean-desktop/screen-share-started'
~/.tuple/triggers/clean-desktop/screen-share-started: line 3: defaulst: command not found
[2023-10-25T12:19:11.458] Finished 'clean-desktop/screen-share-started' with exit code: 127