NOTE: Breaking changes due to change in data channels.


  • ”Share Icon” popover should be hidden after calling someone
  • Mouse offsets should be correct now
  • Fixes the cursors staying visible when switching applications on the navigator side


  • Internals of keyboard event system


  • Added Resolution and Framerate configuration in Preferences
  • Added screenhero like mouse control
  • Uses a new smaller toolbar


  • DesktopScreenCapturer enforces max resolution and framerate
  • Driver-side OnlineUsers UI correctly reflects when a call has been accepted

NOTE: Breaking change! Will not work with versions previous due to decrease in data channels.


  • Window for debugging navigator toolbar without having to be in a call.
  • Internals for how data channels work.


  • Ringtone when receiving a call should now work
  • Basic audio working again
  • Gets rid of delay on command tab/space hijacking
  • Removes transparent window above nav window when hanging up


  • Support for cmd + tab/space when navigating


  • First release using 100% native approach instead of the WebRTC SDK