
  • Call links: you can now copy a link from the app to share it with your teammates. Anyone clicking the link will be directed to your call. Learn more
  • Webcam self-view: you can now see your own webcam feed persistently on your screen. You can change its appearance (hidden, small, big) as well as set the webcam layout to horizontal or vertical. Learn more
  • Emoji reactions: we added emojis to the Reactions menu. Learn more


  • The ability to change shared webcam in use without stopping sharing.


  • Upgraded to the latest version WebRTC.


  • Several small webcam related issues.


  • Crash which could occur when audio devices change while preferences are open.
  • Several small UI issues.


  • Dark mode 🌚.


  • The UI will now automatically recover from certain exceptions.


  • UI issue.
  • Preferred webcam not being respected in some cases.
  • Preferred audio output device not being respected by call ringtones and notification sounds.
  • Crashes related to audio devices changing media formats.
  • Crashes when sending certain URLs to the host.
  • Improved webcam FPS for certain cameras.


  • Small bug fix.


  • Support for call URLs in Beta. Reach out to if interested in trying it out.


  • New and improved UI.


  • Mics with large numbers of channels can now be used with Tuple.
  • Bug causing mic to fail when certain USB devices were present.
  • Sending cut/copy/paste to a host using Dvorak.
  • Memory leaks.


  • Sound check will now let you select a specific line on your multi-input mics.
  • Hotkeys that involve the arrow keys should now work properly.
  • Users on cancelled teams are now able to log in again.


  • Upgraded to the latest version WebRTC.


  • Key combos like ‘shift + shift’ in IntelliJ should now work properly.


  • In-call notifications now play a sound.
  • Webcams have their own section in preferences.


  • Webcam previews can be turned off.
  • Unified macOS to use the new cross platform engine.


  • Certain key combinations between US and Swedish layouts.
  • Control+left click will now clear away paint.


  • Crash related to new health check feature when one participant was reconnecting.


  • Crash when opening preferences.


  • Connectivity stats view to the menu bar UI when in a call.
  • Ability to request to join calls which are in progress.
  • UI to ask call participants to share their webcam/screen.
  • UI shows which user is currently signed in.


  • Removing a friend not being reflected in the UI immediately.
  • Remote scrolling is now compatible with Xcode’s view debugger.
  • Allow selecting display over full screen apps.
  • Found bug with audio dropping during a call.


  • Set a minimum FPS on screen capturer to keep the pipes warm.
  • Now using PKCE authentication flow based on security researcher feedback.


  • New preference to toggle showing the call feedback form
  • Option to suggest a reaction in the reactions list. Send us your best reaction suggestions!


  • Tuple should now work more reliably in certain VPN environments.
  • Prevent multiple call feedback forms from popping up.
  • Friends no longer disappear when they go offline.


  • Button to stop sharing your screen in the display dropdown.
  • Slight delay before command+w can dismiss an incoming call.
  • Ability to see who your friends are pairing with
  • Preference to opt-out (General > Show my friends who I'm pairing with)


  • Crash when trying to enable webcam with multiple devices with the same name.
  • U.S. International - PC layout users can send the dead key characters.
  • Unusable “Add Participant to Call” view when sharing webcam on a small display.
  • Host’s cursor still showing after leaving the shared area in tag-team mode.


  • Minor fixes based on feedback from recent penetration test.
  • Add stricter validations on URLs sent from guest to host.


  • Xcode shortcuts for Japanese/Chinese keyboard layouts.
  • Host’s cursor position not getting sent to guests when sharing an external display.
  • Audio echo which could happen when the third peer leaves a call.


  • A new configurable hotkey to quickly open the Tuple popover in the status bar.


  • Crash related to Firebase dependency we needed to patch.
  • Crash related to screen switching.
  • Improvements to Japanese keyboard layouts.


  • Receiving a peer’s webcam while hosting is now up to 3x more efficient.
  • A soothing spinner when waiting for a pair’s screen to appear.
  • Pairs who disconnect unexpectedly will be called back automatically.


  • Optimized video encoding pipeline for faster encoding/rendering times.


  • Resolved a bug that could cause a crash immediately after accepting a call.
  • Typing in a help dropdown when controlling your pair’s computer should work in most cases.
  • Navigating a context menu with arrows keys should no longer cause the menu to freeze.
  • Typing in a Virtualbox VM when controlling your pair’s computer should work.
  • Dvorak command+shift+- and command+shift+= now do the right thing.
  • Spanish ISO keyboard users can type characters that require the option key into VIM when the host is also using Spanish ISO.
  • The “Share Webcam” button will no longer appear when you’re already sharing your webcam.
  • Reduced time to begin rendering remote screens under certain conditions.
  • Resolved a bug that could crash your pair when the host’s cursor image changed.


  • The incoming call modal will correctly pop up in front of other active applications
  • No longer become unresponsive when waking from sleep.
  • No longer become unresponsive when a macOS system service is down.


  • New ASCII table flip animation for when things get frustrating (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  • Crashes related to a new dependency we added.
  • The “audio mic unavailable” alert should no longer incorrectly pop up for folks on iMacs.