
macOS · Relased on February 3, 2021


  • Tuple now recognizes virtual webcams. Tools like camo should now work with Tuple.
  • Improved copy/paste between machines. You can now cmd + c and cmd + v to sync content between machines.


  • Webcam capturing now uses less CPU by sharing GPU memory. Additionally, start up time for webcams should be much snappier.
  • Sometimes Tuple windows were unclickable after transitioning to the foreground.
  • Adding an observer now works much more reliably.
  • Mouse events outside the contents of a call window are now properly ignored.
  • When the ‘Play ringtones’ setting is turned off you’ll no longer hear the connection connected/dropped noises.
  • Cursor is no longer hidden while painting in full-screen call windows.
  • Popover offset on Big Sur will be properly centered.
  • Popover arrow will now match the correct purple color.
  • Issue where you could no longer scroll popover after viewing Headway on Big Sur.


  • Send clipboard feature has transformed into a send url feature. URLs will continue to automatically open when the host has the setting turned on.
  • The default cursor mode will be multi-way for new folks using Tuple.
  • Moved internal networking APIs and models to C++ in preparation for the Linux app.
  • Tuple now only supports macOS 10.14.4+.