
  • We now support partial screensharing.


  • Webcam streams now scale to fill the window (on the receiving side).
  • Tuple now connects much quicker after losing internet access.
  • Tuple launches a bit faster than before.
  • Auto-login now waits for your internet to be reachable.
  • Errors which occur during sign-in are now a bit more precise.


  • Crash which could occur if on a network which hijacks HTTP responses (e.g. public WiFi with a web login interface).
  • Regression where friends who are your teammates would also appear in the teammates section.
  • Fixed bug where Tuple may need to be restarted after waking up from sleep.
  • Friends who are busy on a call are now shown consistently in the UI.
  • Failed SSO logins no longer put the app in an unusable state.
  • Contact list is now more responsive for large teams.


  • We now support cmd + x to ‘cut’ content from one machine to the other.


  • Tuple now recognizes virtual webcams. Tools like camo should now work with Tuple.
  • Improved copy/paste between machines. You can now cmd + c and cmd + v to sync content between machines.


  • Webcam capturing now uses less CPU by sharing GPU memory. Additionally, start up time for webcams should be much snappier.
  • Sometimes Tuple windows were unclickable after transitioning to the foreground.
  • Adding an observer now works much more reliably.
  • Mouse events outside the contents of a call window are now properly ignored.
  • When the ‘Play ringtones’ setting is turned off you’ll no longer hear the connection connected/dropped noises.
  • Cursor is no longer hidden while painting in full-screen call windows.
  • Popover offset on Big Sur will be properly centered.
  • Popover arrow will now match the correct purple color.
  • Issue where you could no longer scroll popover after viewing Headway on Big Sur.


  • Send clipboard feature has transformed into a send url feature. URLs will continue to automatically open when the host has the setting turned on.
  • The default cursor mode will be multi-way for new folks using Tuple.
  • Moved internal networking APIs and models to C++ in preparation for the Linux app.
  • Tuple now only supports macOS 10.14.4+.


  • Memory no longer leaks while in a call or when transitioning online/offline.
  • Issue where a black screen would appear if the host’s GPU switched while sharing.
  • Regression where preferred audio device(s) were ignored after the first call if they weren’t Bluetooth.


  • Improved app update flow in the background so folks will be disrupted less when new versions of Tuple are released (will start in V83).


  • Issue leading to one key stroke being multiplied into many.


  • Double click when in paint mode will show the old highlight circle animation
  • Highlight click is back!
  • Celebration will shoot out snowflakes for the rest of the month! Happy holidays everyone.


  • Audio will never pan right. This optimization wasn’t worth the confusion.


  • We won’t forget your preferred cursor mode when an observer is in the call anymore. We promise.
  • Colored cursor behavior is now more consistent within the screen sharing window


  • Everyone can now see who’s in a 3-way call
  • Host can now ‘kick’ an observer out of a call in the popover UI
  • Observers can now highlight, paint, and send confetti/clipboards in calls
  • Observers can now use multi-cursor to take action on the hosts computer
  • Observers can now send keystrokes through to the hosts computer


  • Mouse events are now sent between peers more efficiently


  • Dual cursor mode now works with all mice
  • UI no longer blocks when webcams start capturing
  • Redesigned preferences window
  • Potential crash when audio devices become unavailable
  • In-call toolbar looks a bit nicer on Big Sur


  • Tuple no longer needs restarted if a microphone is reconnected while Tuple is running. Yikes!


  • Overly zealous mute/unmute detector putting folks into a state where they couldn’t unmute themselves


  • System audio settings are now bound to Tuple’s audio configuration
  • A high resolution webcam mode
  • Dynamic webcam resolution based on the size of the window the peer is viewing
  • Ability to send confetti to the host machine for celebrations 🎉
  • Notification that keyboard is off when typing and it’s disabled


  • Preferred audio devices now populate correctly in preferences
  • Chipmunk audio. If you know what that means, you’ll be as happy as we are 🐿
  • Properly stop the ringtone when two unpaid users call each other
  • Changes to preferences are now applied without requiring the app (or call) to restart
  • Issues with the auto upgrading


  • Default webcam resolution to be a bit higher


  • Issue causing browser tabs to open because of Headway


  • Fixed a rare race condition on observer hanging up that could lead to audio connection between the guest and observer to persist.


  • Support for cmd+shift+tab
  • Better looking UI for Big Sur—more improvements to come!


  • Upgraded WebRTC


  • A number of dependencies reducing overall bundle size ~60MB


  • Improved rendering by triple buffering GPU display buffers


  • Glare caused when two peers call each other at the same time now has predictable behavior (and doesn’t crash!)
  • Webcam preview window has a more responsive UI, which no longer shows devices that aren’t available
  • The in-call webcam window now remembers its position on your screen
  • Incoming call window can now be closed (which ignores the call rather than declining it)
  • Fixed a bug where stale incoming call messages may unexpectedly appear
  • Fixed deadlock which could occur when modifying screen sharing state with a full video buffer
  • Crash related to guest toolbar when it was small and a new cursor mode was selected
  • Observers who cancel incoming calls no longer cause others to be disconnected
  • Crash related to cancelling an outgoing call when the network is laggy
  • Fixed unexpected behavior when devices are woken up by network activity
  • Fixed a deadlock related to webcam


  • Bug when turning on Host paint leading to strange remote control issues


  • Bug related to GPU switching. The UI would show ‘Switch Host’ instead of ‘Stop Sharing’ when switching from the integrated to the discrete GPU.
  • Crash related to remote control typing and Japanese keyboards


  • Webcam window is now automatically excluded from screen sharing output
  • Double-clicking a rating in the call feedback form will submit the rating automatically
  • A new Tuple preference setting to turn off the red corners when hosting a session


  • Webcam window now works across multiple spaces (and fullscreen apps)
  • Webcam automatically starts for audio-only calls when enabled in preferences
  • Show missing button for inviting friends in the UI
  • ‘Persist Paint’ Tuple setting should now always work
  • Issue with keychain affecting folks who sign in via SSO


  • Host clicks in tag team mode now follow the same behavior as the guest when taking control
  • Tuple now follows standard app/window switching behavior and has keyboard-friendly windows
  • Guest keyboard events are now sent to the host whenever keyboard control is enabled and the screen window is focused.
  • Host screen now has configurable red corners to indicate it’s being displayed
  • ‘Persist Paint’ Tuple setting will be applied to local painting as well
  • Call feedback can be submitted by double-clicking a rating


  • Crash on High Sierra


  • The ability for teams to opt-in to a mode which allows them to pair only with teammates
  • Support for alternative mouse clicks (back, forward, etc)
  • Redesigned call feedback window


  • Issue that could cause cursor offsets and paint appearing on the wrong display when using multiple monitors and a hiding dock.