SSO Guide · Google

A guide for Tuple customers who want to use SAML SSO with Google Workspace as the Identity Provider.

Email addresses for users in Google Workspace and on Tuple must match exactly. For example, will not match Please ensure your team's email addresses are correct before we enable the SSO integration.

Step 1 - Add custom SAML app

After signing in to your Google Workspace Admin console, you’ll need to add a new custom SAML app. Click on “Apps -> Web and mobile apps -> Add app -> Add custom SAML app” as shown below:

Navigate to add a custom SAML app

Step 2 - Create App

Name the app “Tuple” and optionally upload an icon, which you can download here.

App details

Step 3 - Configure your Tuple account

You will be shown the following screen, and will need to copy the values for the following fields:

Google Identity Provider details

Navigate to the Settings tab of the team management dashboard. Note: Only Team Owners have access to this page, so you will need to be Team Owner to access this page. If you need to find out who the Team Owner for your team is, view your profile.

Toggle to Enable SAML, and the configuration form will be revealed:

Create Tuple configuration

Fill in the values with your metadata (note that the order of the fields is different than the order in the Google Workspace UI):

  • IdP entity ID - called “Entity ID” in Google Workspace (ends with an ID string)
  • IdP authentication URL - your “SSO URL” in Google Workspace (ends with /saml)
  • Certificate - Copied certificate

Press “Save Configuration” in the Tuple dashboard.

This action will turn on SAML for your team. Once SAML is enabled, any active Tuple sessions will persist, but any new logins will be forced to authenticate using SSO.

Step 3 - Service Provider Details

Return to the Google Admin Workspace, and fill in the following fields:

Google Identity Provider details


Entity ID

Step 4 - Attribute Mapping

There are two additional attributes that Tuple requires in order to work: first_name, and last_name.

Google Identity Provider details

After finishing the install wizard, click Test SAML Login to verify the configuration.

Test SAML Login